SPEAIT lecture notes


The notes will appear here before every lecture (or at least during the same day). The texts will not be verbatim copies of the lecture due to more-or-less freeform delivery. However, all the questions of the express exam will be taken from the written notes (not actual lectures). The notes are available in OpenDocument and PDF formats.

Introduction: OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 1 - Information society: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 2 - From ENIAC to iPad: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 3 - From PLATO to Facebook: The Story of Cyberspace: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 4 - (The Not So) New Media: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 5 - Computers and Laws I: Can Property Be Intellectual?: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 6 - Computers and Laws II: Software and Content Licensing: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 7 - IT, Risks and Ergonomics: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 8 - Tarzan in New York: The Quirks of Online Communication: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 9 - The Fool Gets Beaten Even in Internet: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 10 - The IT Pro?: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 11 - Censorship, Privacy and Internet: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 12 - Hackers: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 13 - Linux: From a Hacker's Hobby to the King of Supercomputing: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 14 - A Different Kind of IT: full text, OpenDocument, PDF.

Lecture 15: Of Hobbits, Amish, Hackers and Technology: OpenDocument, PDF.

The Echo 360 recordings of the lectures are available here.

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1995-2025 Kaido Kikkas. Käesoleva dokumendi paljundamine, edasiandmine ja/või muutmine on sätestatud kas GNU Vaba Dokumentatsiooni Litsentsi versiooni 1.2 või uuemaga (Litsentsi ingliskeelne täistekst) või Creative Commonsi Autorile viitamine + Jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti litsentsi või uuemaga.

GNU FDL Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Estonia

1995-2025, by Kaido Kikkas. This document is distributed under either GNU Free Documentation License (v1.2 or newer) or Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Estonia license v3.0 or newer.