The materials will appear here (in general) during the same day after a respective event.
Introduction to the course 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 1 - Towards the Information Society
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 2 - the Networked World
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 3 - the Big Brother online
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 4 - the Big Brother on Menwith Hill
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 5 - the Digital Divide
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 6 - the ubiquitous computing and the network society
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 7 - the Hacker Ethic in a Networked World
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Lecture 8 - Different People, Digital World
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Homework: find and review (in your blog) any inclusion-oriented website/application.
Deadline: April 15
Lecture 9 - From hacktivism to cyberwar
Full text | 2.0 |
MS Powerpoint 97 |
Macromedia Flash
Homework: read and review (in your blog) Bruce Sterling's Hacker Crackdown (link in the text).
Deadline: April 30
Tagasi Kaku Akadeemia esilehele
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1995-2025 Kaido Kikkas. Käesoleva dokumendi paljundamine, edasiandmine ja/või muutmine on sätestatud kas GNU Vaba Dokumentatsiooni Litsentsi versiooni 1.2 või uuemaga (Litsentsi ingliskeelne täistekst) või Creative Commonsi Autorile viitamine + Jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti litsentsi või uuemaga.
1995-2025, by Kaido Kikkas. This document is distributed under either GNU Free Documentation License (v1.2 or newer) or Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Estonia license v3.0 or newer.